Dungeon Battle
Dungeon Battle
So your wife the queen told you to clean up the basement. Turns out, there is another monarch down there. Usually you find those in your bedroom closet. Freezing and famished. This one however seems to have been down there for quite a while. Even build himself a little underground tower out of all your old DIY appliances. You really liked those. It's about time you duke this out the only way you know how. A tower built off. You call your court and start swinging that hammer. May the best home improvement professional win. Dungeon Battle is a 1 vs. 1 tactical boardgame. You win by planning sneaky tactics and predicting your opponents next move. The players build towers out of 20 play chips and place a king figure on top of one of them. This way every player is able to build an individual set of towers and every game is unique. In addition to the towers each player has 5 hand cards, which can manipulate towers in drastic ways. The player that beats the enemy king first will win the game.
Tabletop Simulator
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